Survey Says…

Survey Says…

There are several different topics in the nonprofit sector that can reliably kick up some drama, and today we’re talking about a big one – nonprofit executive compensation. How much money should a nonprofit leader...
You’ve Got (Junk) Mail

You’ve Got (Junk) Mail

We're pulling this episode out of our backlist for your holiday weekend listening! Jason Viana, Executive Director of the Open Door, joins us to answer another batch of nonprofit questions! What rules do you need...
piggy bank with money around it

Can a Founder of a Nonprofit Make a Salary?

When I meet with folks who are planning to start a nonprofit, there are a couple of questions I almost always get. And, unsurprisingly, this is one of them. "If I become a nonprofit founder,...
the gates foundation what happens now

The Gates Foundation and Divorce!

We all saw the news not too long ago that Bill and Melinda Gates are getting a divorce – but what does that mean for the Gates Foundation? In this episode, we dive into the...
is nonprofit founders syndrome affecting your nonprofit?

Nonprofit Founders Syndrome: Is It Affecting Your Nonprofit?

This week we're covering the dreaded nonprofit disease – nonprofit founders syndrome, aka founderitis. Nonprofit expert Reid Zimmerman joins me to answer listener questions about what it is and how you can fix it if...
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Founder Feature: Nonprofits Don’t Grow Overnight

Nonprofit founders are visionaries – they have a clear picture of how they can make a difference in their community. But breaking down that vision to the nitty-gritty details for your IRS application's narrative statement...
All of Us Are Stronger Than Any One of Us

All of Us Are Stronger Than Any One of Us

It's easy to find ways that new nonprofit founders can go wrong. But we don't often hear the stories of founders that do things right. I sat down with Heidi Semann, the founder and executive...
Q&A: The Mystery of the Zombie Nonprofit

Q&A: The Mystery of the Zombie Nonprofit

Jess and Meghan are joined with Jason Viana, Executive Director of the Open Door, in answering another batch of nonprofit questions found on the internet.  What can you do to reanimate a nonprofit that's been...
Founder Feature: Childhood Dream to a Nonprofit Reality

Founder Feature: Childhood Dream to a Nonprofit Reality

How often do people’s childhood dreams become reality? Considering how few astronauts there are in the world, I’d say it’s pretty rare. But Therese Gruba made it happen. Therese is the co-founder of New Hope...
Nonprofit Q&A: The Common Sense Edition

Nonprofit Q&A: The Common Sense Edition

Is common sense enough to run a successful nonprofit? Spoiler alert: NO! That being said, a good dose of common sense certainly helps. In this episode, your hosts Jess and Meghan are joined by Jim...

Birken Law Office – Law firm serving nonprofits organizations, and foundations – Birken Law

Birken Law Office – Law firm serving nonprofits organizations, and foundations – Birken Law

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