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Space Cadets & Nonprofit Comas

  We’re entering 2022 and closing in on two full years of our pandemic reality – meaning that nonprofits are still making big decisions about how to keep afloat and serve their communities while handling...
One black pin and many red pins

Virtual Board Meetings For Your Nonprofit: A How-To Guide

As the country hunkers down in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, I'm getting tons of questions about voting member meetings and board meetings and how to hold a virtual board meeting. Here are my...
one person walking alone

Social Distance Doesn’t Have to Mean Emotional Distance

So, things are…weird. Between school cancellations, hoping you don't run out of toilet paper, calling off big events, and working from home (if you're privileged enough to do that), our routines are being thrown out...

Birken Law Office – Law firm serving nonprofits organizations, and foundations – Birken Law

Birken Law Office – Law firm serving nonprofits organizations, and foundations – Birken Law

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