Social Distance Doesn’t Have to Mean Emotional Distance

So, things are…weird.
Between school cancellations, hoping you don’t run out of toilet paper, calling off big events, and working from home (if you’re privileged enough to do that), our routines are being thrown out the window. And with the necessity of social distancing, I know lots of us are feeling cooped up and/or lonely.
In the face of all that, I present you….
Just kidding! LOL. But not really.
While it’s definitely important to follow social distancing protocol and keep our physical distance (at least 6 feet), this is not a time to abandon the people in your life. Reach out, send a cute gif or reminisce about an old memory.
We’re all in this together – so let’s get through this together.
Here Are Some Ideas to Help You Break Out of Your Social Distance Rut:
Pour yourself a drink and catch up with an old friend via Zoom.
Put your pent up energy toward helping others! Order groceries for your elderly neighbor that doesn’t know how, donate money to your local food shelf, or use your extra time at home to foster a dog or cat.
Host a virtual movie night with Netflix Party. I wouldn’t recommend watching Pandemic or Contagion, but you do you.
Download the Marco Polo app so you can leave quick video messages for the people you miss.
Support local businesses from your couch. Order that novel or business book you’ve been meaning to read from an independent bookstore – many of them are doing free or cheap local delivery!
These are just a few ideas to take care of your mental and social health while coping with the COD-19 pandemic. It’s easy to be so focused on protecting your physical and community’s health that you forget this stuff. But your mental and social health matter too. <3
Related link: How to Move Your Nonprofit Member Meeting Remote
Nonprofits – I know you are likely facing some tough times ahead. I’m here to help. If you’re facing a pandemic-related issue, book a discounted consultation with me now: