Nonprofit Q&A: Charity or Robbery?

Nonprofit Q&A: Charity or Robbery?

Lots of people assume that folks who work in nonprofits have good intentions. While that's true most of the time, there are people who want to scam the system in EVERY industry. Our intern Chloe...
stack of papers

How Do You Change Your Nonprofit Name With the IRS?

Recently I had a colleague who shared that her organization had decided to change its name for from Nonprofit ABC to Nonprofit XYZ. (more…)
open book in black and white

Nonprofit Tax Status: What Does it Really Mean Anyway?

Time to bust some MAJOR nonprofit myths. Ready? Because it is more than just nonprofit tax status? (more…)

THIS can hurt your chances at property tax exemption

In my home state of Minnesota, nonprofits can apply for property tax exemption if they use their real estate for mission delivery. Usually this is a faceless process, the nonprofit applies on paper and has...
binder full of paper

What If Somebody Asks to See Our 990s?

So, you get a strange phone call at the office – somebody wants back copies of the organization's 990s. Feels a little invasive doesn't it? Or like…. what do they want them for? Are we...
thought bubble with a lightbulb inside

Nonprofit Myth Busters III: Nonprofits and the IRS

Are you dreaming about starting a nonprofit? That's great! Maybe you aren't sure whether a nonprofit is the right vehicle for your big idea. That's okay, too. I spend a lot of time helping people...
thought bubble with lightbulb inside

Nonprofit Myth Busters: Starting a Nonprofit May Not Be Right for You

So, you want to start a charity? Exciting! If you’re like most of the people I work with, then you have been dreaming and planning and mulling and stewing and talking about this for a...
child with helmet on

6 Ways to Lose Your 501(c)(3) IRS Tax-Exempt Status (Without Really Trying)

It’s easy for a 501(c)(3) organization to maintain its IRS tax-exempt status – and can it be just as easy to lose it. the IRS recognizes private foundations, churches, educational institutions, hospitals, and many other types...

Birken Law Office – Law firm serving nonprofits organizations, and foundations – Birken Law

Birken Law Office – Law firm serving nonprofits organizations, and foundations – Birken Law

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